> phenotype    > squashed vulva
Definition: "The apparent partial collapse of the vulval invagination and the elongation of central vulva cells often leading to a flattened appearance." [WB:WBPaper00003405]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG097 * = Glucuronyltransferase(GlcAT) sqv-8 B3GAT3 B3GAT2 Observed
JCEG125 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes sqv-5 CHSY1 CHPF CHSY3 CHPF2 CSGALNACT1 CSGALNACT2 Observed
JCEG149 * = PAPS synthase and PAPS transporters pst-1 SLC35B2 Observed
JCEG166 * = XylT sqv-6 XYLT1 XYLT2 Observed
JCEG180 * = b3GalT1/b3GnT orthologs sqv-2 B3GALT6 Observed
JCEG187 * = b4GalT sqv-3 B4GALT7 Observed

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