> phenotype    > pharyngeal development variant
Definition: "Variations in the progression of the pharynx (feeding organ) over time, from its formation to the mature structure compared to control. In C. elegans the pharynx is divided into the anterior and posterior regions. The anterior region includes the corpus (procorpus and metacorpus - first bulb) and the posterior region includes the isthmus and terminal bulb (second bulb)." [GO:0043282, WB:WBPerson2021]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG097 * = Glucuronyltransferase(GlcAT) sqv-8 B3GAT3 B3GAT2 Observed NOT Observed
JCEG128 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes rib-2 EXTL3 EXTL2 EXT2 Observed
JCEG127 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes rib-1 EXT1 EXTL1 Observed

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