> phenotype    > egg laying variant
Definition: " Animals exhibit variations in the stage of eggs laid, egg laying cycle, number of eggs or egg laying in response to stimuli compared to control." [pmid:11813735, pmid:9697864, WB:cab]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG046 * = Fucosyltransferases pad-2 POFUT2 Observed
JCEG123 Glyco_transf_92 Observed
JCEG128 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes rib-2 EXTL3 EXTL2 EXT2 Observed
JCEG127 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes rib-1 EXT1 EXTL1 Observed
JCEG157 * = Sulfotransferase and sulfation-related genes hst-2 HS2ST1 Observed
JCEG180 * = b3GalT1/b3GnT orthologs sqv-2 B3GALT6 Observed
JCEG207 * b6GnT GCNT2 Observed

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