> phenotype    > larval lethal
Definition: "The animal dies at any time between hatching and onset to adulthood." [GO:0002119, WB:WBPerson712]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG003 * = Asparagine-linked glycosylation (ALG) genes bus-8 ALG2 Observed NOT Observed
JCEG077 * = GPI-anchor synthesis pigv-1 PIGV Observed NOT Observed
JCEG065 * = GPI-anchor synthesis PIGB Observed
JCEG124 * = Glycogen synthase gsy-1 GYS1 GYS2 Observed NOT Observed
JCEG141 * = Oligosaccharyltransferase complex ostd-1 RPN2 Observed
JCEG139 * = Oligosaccharyltransferase complex ostb-1 DDOST Observed
JCEG137 * = Oligosaccharyltransferase complex dad-1 DAD1 Observed
JCEG149 * = PAPS synthase and PAPS transporters pst-1 SLC35B2 Observed NOT Observed

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