> expression    > body wall muscle cell
Definition: "type of 95 cells that make up muscles of the body wall." [WB:rynl]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG019 * = Core 1 GalT C16D9.6 C1GALT1
DOWNSTREAM 0.0000002 (PCB105) 1.32 (unit decrease) [0.83-1.81] 25839716
MAPPED 0.46 0.000004 [NR] 19010793
MAPPED 0.444 0.000001 0.099 (unit decrease) [0.06-0.138] 24159190
MAPPED 0.444 0.0000006 0.101 (unit increase) [0.062-0.14] 24159190
JCEG097 * = Glucuronyltransferase(GlcAT) sqv-8 ZK1307.5 B3GAT3 B3GAT2 151290
UPSTREAM 0.000005 0.2918 (unit increase)] 23319000
MAPPED 0.219 0.000007 (ALT/AST) 0.03 (unit increase) [NR] 23251661
UPSTREAM 0.16 0.0000009 1.17 (unit decrease) [0.70-1.64] 21326311
JCEG131 * = Glycosyltransferase like (GTL) D2045.9 LHL1
JCEG158 * = Sulfotransferase and sulfation-related genes hst-3.1 F40H3.5 HS3ST1

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