> expression    > rectal epithelium
Definition: "epithelium connecting intestine and anus." [WB:rynl]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG077 * = GPI-anchor synthesis pigv-1 T09B4.1 PIGV 239300
UPSTREAM 0.09 0.000000001 0.037 (mg/dL increase) [NR] 24097068
UPSTREAM 0.09 0.000000000003 0.05 (unit increase) [NR] 24097068
UPSTREAM 0.09 0.000000000000001 0.051 (unit decrease) [NR] 24097068
JCEG158 * = Sulfotransferase and sulfation-related genes hst-3.1 F40H3.5 HS3ST1

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