> expression    > AMshL
Definition: "Embryonic cell of pedigree ABplaapaapp, amphid sheath cell, left." [ISBN:0-87969-307-X]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG151 * = PAPS synthase and PAPS transporters pps-1 T14G10.1 PAPSS1 PAPSS2 603005
MAPPED 0.000004 1.32 [1.17-1.49] 19727025
DOWNSTREAM 0.000002 (EA) 0.02742 (0.01614-0.03871) (mg/dl increase)] 25886283
DOWNSTREAM 0.0000004 0.0243 (mg/dl increase) [NR] 25886283
DOWNSTREAM 0.029 0.00000005 [NR] 24478790
JCEG149 * = PAPS synthase and PAPS transporters pst-1 M03F8.2 SLC35B2 610788

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