> expression    > oocyte
Definition: "a female haploid germ cell." [WB:wjc]
JCEG ID Family Name Locus Tag Human Ortholog Name OMIM GWAS Catalog
JCEG125 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes sqv-5 T24D1.1 CHSY1 CHPF CHSY3 CHPF2 CSGALNACT1 CSGALNACT2 605282
MAPPED 0.000007 0.226 (unit increase) [NR] 23322567
MAPPED 0.0000002 2.14 [1.53-2.99] 23726668
MAPPED 0.66 0.000000002 0.08 (unit decrease) [0.06-0.1] 23291589
MAPPED 0.601 0.000001 0.022 (unit increase) [NR] 25201988
UPSTREAM 0.31 0.000002 (ETV6-RUNX1 positive) 1.19 [1.07 - 1.33] 22076464
UPSTREAM 0.31 0.000000006 (ETV6-RUNX1 positive, Northern European) 22076464
JCEG126 * = Glycosaminoglycan (GAG ) and Chitin synthesis genes mig-22 PAR2.4 CHPF 608037

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