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Selectin-mediated lymphocyte homing assay
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Selectin-mediated lymphocyte homing assay

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Selectin-mediated lymphocyte homing assay

Hoshino, Hitomi
University of Fukui, Faculty of Medical Sciences

Uchimura, Kenji *
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline)

0.83% NH4Cl

CMFDA (5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA)


Water bath incubator, 37°C

Flow cytometer (FACSCalibur: BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ)


Preparation of lymphocytes


 Dissect out mesenteric lymph nodes of 5- to 16-week-old C57BL/6 mice and place them in a plastic plate containing pre-warmed PBS.

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 Mush the lymph nodes with two glass slides to have a single-cell suspension in pre-warmed PBS.

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 Filter the suspension with a nylon cell strainer (40 μm pore size: BD) and collect cells in a 15 mL tube.

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 Harvest the cells as a pellet by centrifugation at room temperature and then resuspend in 9 mL of pre-warmed PBS.

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Labeling of lymphocytes


 Add 4.5 μL of 10 mM CMFDA into the suspension. Metabolically label cells by incubating the tube at 37°C for 30 min.

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 Harvest the cells as a pellet by centrifugation and then resuspend in pre-warmed PBS at density of 1.7 × 108 cells/mL.

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Intravenous injection


 1.7 × 107 cells of CMFDA-labeled lymphocytes in 100 μL of PBS are injected into the tail vein of a recipient mouse by a 1 mL syringe with a 29-gauge needle (BD).

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 One hour after injection, sacrifice the mice and take out lymphoid organs (peripheral lymph nodes, mesenteric lymph nodes, Peyer’s patches and spleen).

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 Place the organs in cold PBS. Create single-cell suspensions of these organs in PBS by teasing them with a 23-gauge needle.

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Quantification of labeled cells by flow cytometry


 Determine the fraction of CMFDA-labeled lymphocytes in suspensions by flow cytometry (5 × 105 cells per organ).

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 Acquire and analyze data with CellQuest software (BD).

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  • It is important to suspend cell pellets gently when you prepare lymphocytes. 
  • During the step 1 and 2 pay attention no to change the temperature of cell suspension. Shedding of L-selectin can be triggered by temperature change. 
  • In the case of preparation of lymphocytes from the spleen, red blood cell lysis should be carried out by suspending the pellet in the step 1-(4) in 0.83% NH4Cl for 2-5 min. 
  • For the L-selectin inhibition experiment, 1 × 106 cells of CMFDA-labeled cells are pre-incubated for 5 min with 1 μg of MEL-14 (anti-Mouse L-selectin: eBioscience, Inc., San Diego, CA) or rat IgG2a (eBioscience, Inc.). Then, the mixture of cells and antibody are injected intravenously into recipient mice.
Figure & Legends

Figure & Legends

Fig. 1. L-selectin-mediated lymphocyte homing to lymphoid organs of wild-type

and GlcNAc6ST-1/GlcNAc6ST-2 double-knockout mice.

Homing of CMFDA-labeled mesenteric lymphocytes was quantified. Cells from mice were preincubated with MEL-14 or isotype-matched control (IgG2a) for 5 min before transfer into recipient mice (n=3 each genotype). The percentage of labeled cells accumulating in peripheral lymph nodes (PLN), mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), Peyer’s patches (PP) and spleens (SPL) was determined in wild-type (WT) and GlcNAc6ST-1/GlcNAc6ST-2 double-knockout mice.

This figure was originally published in Nat Immunol. Uchimura K. et al. “A major class of L-selectin ligands is eliminated in mice deficient in two sulfotransferases expressed in high endothelial venules” 2005, 6(11):1105–13, doi:10.1038/ni1258

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